Saturday, June 15, 2013

Enjoying beautiful sunshine here in Hong Kong, not

We were met with rain upon landing at Hong Kong.  On the way to our hotel, we were pelted with torrential downpours.  Although there were occasional breaks in the rain, it has been raining much of the day ranging from a drizzle to a downpour.  Oh well, so it goes.

A shot of the view from the outside camera 
on the plane after we landed on the wet runway 

 As you can see, lots of rain during the shuttle bus ride to our hotel

We will hope for a respite from the rain during the next few days in Hong Kong.


  1. Nice photos, wish I was there. Wait, I AM there. Never mind !

  2. Nothing like sidewalks full of umbrellas st eye height to navigate. At least most of your travel is underground!
